Thursday, February 24, 2011

Anniversary yang ke 6....jeng, jeng, jeng

I almost forgot that today marks the 6th year I've been working for this Company.  Wahhhhh, banyak lama wooo, selalunya duration peberet aku nk stay kat satu2 company tu ialah dlm lingkungan 5 years, with the shortest tu around 4 tahun lebih lar.  This is the longest so far.

Looking back, I would say that I've learnt a lot here.  Yelah, dulu2 keje kat revenue generating department, then legal...dua2 tak listed company kat Bursa Malaysia.  Now, duduk keje kat tempat yg critical dgn highly confidential info tok nenek, sampai kadang2 tu rasa takut nk keluar lunch dgn member2, takut2 kalau terlepas citer. Jadinya, normally we will end up going out makan dengan budak2 yang sama department lar.....selamattttt rasanya.....

Banyak pengalaman pahit manis kat sini and maybe I'm already comfortable with this set up and it might take me a loooottttt of better offer etc. in order for me to be de"root"ed from here.  I'm already in my comfort zone......and maybe could be to age factor, yelah, dolu2 time muda remaja tu, rasa seronok sgt jump keje....sekarang, macam malas lar sikit.....

Happy anniversary to me....moga bisa jadik pekerja yang lebih produktif di masa akan datang.....yg bisa menyumbang kepada keuntungan syarikat yek.....hahahahah

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