Saturday, December 31, 2011

Bye-bye 2011, Welcome 2012

Tinggal less than 2 hours kita semua melangkah masuk ke tahun 2012.  As for me, no resolution for this year coz azam cuma tinggal azam aje, so better cuba capai apa jua yg telah diazamkan pd tahun2 sebelum nie.

Tahun 2011 membawa banyak pengalaman baru, kenangan pahit dan juga manis yg mewarnai hidup ku.  Mana yg baik dijadikan tauladan, yg buruk dijadikan sempadan dan pengajaran utk masa hadapan.

Pada tahun 2011 ini lah, aku berjaya membuktikan kepada diri aku yg I still have the strength and guts to drive long distance, solo drive yek.  And once again, dapat bercuti2 ke Bandung and totally enjoyed the trip, as compared to year 2010.  Then bercuti2 dalam negeri ke Utara, and dapat meneroka kawasan2 yg dah lama aku tak pergi, the feeling is marvelous.

Fitnah makin berleluasa dalam tahun 2011, but I took it with a pinch of salt coz I believe, as long as aku tak buat benda yg dituduh tu, that's fine with me.  Biarlah org nak kata apa sekali pun coz at the end of the day, org2 begini telah begitu bermurah hati memberi pahala free kepada aku....yg aku cuma boleh ucapkan "Innalillahiwainna ilaihirajiunnn".  Aku percaya, Allah Maha Mengetahui segala sesuatu di dunia ini and that's a fact that no one can deny.....Moga Allah buka kan pintu hati mereka ke arah kebenaran yang hakiki....macam yg pimp daddy kantin selalu sebut "dunia nie sementara, akhirat berkekalan"....makan dalam statement ni hingga ada yg sentap dgn dia....hehehe.

Personal life, I believe I'm enjoying what I'm having now.....memang serasa bernafas dan selesa dgn keadaan aku sekarang.  Freedom is in my hand and I'm beginning to have more of a "my time" to relax, chit chat with friends whom I lost contact, pampering myself once in a while and relook at my aim in life.  I am blessed with few good friends around me.  They are always around during my good and bad times and for that, I am so thankful. 

Career wise, all is well and I'm still comfortable with the current organisation.  No doubt there are ups and downs but that's normal.  Mana2 pun sama, cuma kita aje yg perlu membuat necessary adjustment and adapt ourselves to the environment.  Kalau sangat2 tak puas hati, apa lagi, sila lah berhenti kerja dan start business sendiri.

I hope that year 2012 will bring more joy, luck and positive results in all aspects.  Wishing everyone have a great year ahead, be smart, work smart and may the force be with you...

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