He turned up at my workstation untuk kesekian kalinya semalam. Berciter pasal segala hal kerja. Then dia bertanya soalan yg agak personal...dia bertanya since aku berpindah ke Sepang, siapa yg look after my parents...Aku ni kan lurus bendul, so terus aje aku bgtau hal yg sebenar....at times i blame myself for being so blind and direct....dia cuba mengorek lg cerita but then aku cuma senyum bebyk saje...his face was so puzzled when i refused to share my stories anymore....
The biggest joke was when he asked my housemate's contact no. In case he cant get me on the phone....aku kata ok aje. Bila berciter dgn my twinnie, terus twinnie aku cakap yg itu semua tricks version lama.....senang utk dia find out pasal aku dr housemate aku...lar, ke situ pulak dah......
He tried to rationalise why my colleagues yg pg outstation kali ni instead of me....as for me, he doesnt owe me any explanation as he is the one in power to make decision...
In short, hari2 yg ku lalui sekarang semakin berbunga2....waduh, adakah mandrem dia telah meninggalkan kesan kpd ku?? I dont want to fall into this kind of situation again...can someone plse help me??