Monday, April 16, 2012

Monday Blues - 16 April 2012

Today is the first day masuk office after bercuti sekian lama.  Sengal doh......very the Monday Blues.  Fought the Monday Blues feeling and lepas tu ok lah sikit.

Office aku nie, ala2 berada di Antartica, it's freezing cold sampai naik kebas hidung ku.  And the temperature starts to really zoom down after lunch time, itu lah waktu beban puncak suhu office tiba2 turun mendadak.  And selalunya, aku akan berkelubung and kadang2 terpikir, bawak blanket pergi office pun tak pe.

Pernah dua kali, diaorg amek recording bacaan suhu kat office and guess what, the temperature at my place is 12.5 degree.  Giler kentang kan.....the lowest temperature available kat air cond ialah 16. 

So, I found a solution to this problem.  Pakai sweater, winter gloves and also winter socks....walla, baru terasa selesa dan comfortable.

My gloves - terasa nyaman sangat bila pakai...tak kebas2 lagi jejari runcing ku..

My winter socks that keeps my feet nice and comfy in the office

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